
Monday, July 30, 2012

Play Arts Kai Robin from Arkham City debuts @ SDCC

Play Arts Kai Robin of Arkham City was unveiled during SDCC 2012 and boy he looks pretty good. I've always liked the character design of this Robin compared to the traditional one. No villain would take the traditional Robin seriously.
Photo courtesy of Touya of

More pics after the jump.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Play Arts Kai Raiden painted prototype @ SDCC 2012

This seems to be an afternoon full of surprises, word just got to me of the painted Play Arts Kai Raiden @ SDCC 2012. Aside from Play Arts Kai Meryl and Play Arts Kai Solidus this is another figure which i cannot afford to miss.
Finally! Play Arts Kai Raiden. Photo courtesy of Touya of
More pics after the jump.

Play Arts Kai The Dark Knight Rises revealed

The recently concluded SDCC 2012 brought some surprises for Play Arts Kai fans. Seems like Square-Enix is finally going to the movies with their first ever Movie licensed line: The Dark Knight Rises.
Photos courtesy of Touya of
More pictures after the jump.

Play Arts Final Fantasy Customs of Zelu1984

I got into Play Arts when Kai is already making waves so i missed the older Play Arts Final Fantasy lines, well, except for a couple of Advent Children figures. It's kinda ironic since i am a big fan of the Final Fantasy series. All i know is that Square-Enix did not care to finish the lines, hence, they are missing some of the most memorable and key characters for each line like Final Fantasy 8's Seifer, Zell, Quistis and Irvine or Final Fantasy 9's Beatrix and Steiner and Final Fantasy 7's Barrett and Cid. There must be legions of fans out there that are yearning for some of those to be produced and wondered how their collection would look like if only Square-Enix continued with the lines. Well, i am fortunate enough to make the acquaintance of this guy...
Actual pic of Zelu1984
...who literally made that fanboy dream a reality. You don't believe me? Check out the rest of his pics after the jump. And oh, Click Zelu1984's name for his deviantart site.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Play Arts Kai Kazuya and Jun spotted @ SDCC 2012

Just got this news from bro orochicoops of PinoyToyKolektors forums and Zelu1984 of FinalFantasyMerchadise, seems like we'll be seeing the Tekken characters make their much awaited transition to Play Arts Kai.
Photo courtesy of Zelu1984 from
More pics after the jump.

Thursday, July 05, 2012

Play Arts Kai Lara Croft of Tomb Raider colored prototype spotted

Zelu1984 of Final Fantasy Merchandise brought us the first colored prototype shot of the upcoming Play Arts Kai Lara Croft figure. Personally, i hope they'll do better than that when it comes to her face though i'm good with it as long as Square-Enix won't pull another Play Arts Kai Sheva Alomar face paint apps on us. Perhaps we're just expecting more since, as Touya of FFM pointed out "The wait began (for Lara) the moment SQEX bought Eidos," well said bro, we all know it's only a matter of time.
Photo courtesy of Zelu1984 of Final Fantasy Merchandise

Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Play Arts Kai Batman and Catwoman from Arkham City

If you haven't read about the 1st Play Arts Kai Batman figure from the Arkham Asylum game you can see it HERE, sure, i'll wait for you... ... ... ... ... ... Ok, done? Let's move along.
With the recent release of Play Arts Kai Arkham Asylum Volume 2 featuring Harley and the Armored Batman figures Square-Enix announced a hard-hitting follow-up to the popular Play Arts Kai line: Batman and Catwoman from the Arkham City game.
Photo courtesy of
The third Play Arts Kai Batman figure looks a lot closer to the classic Batman design and it's a good thing they decided to pep up the accessories, well, a little bit, with an alternate head and the Batclaw attachment.