I recently did a survey in our group - Play Arts Kai Philippines Trading Group, regarding what my comrades there believe as the 5 MOST OVERRATED PAKs ever released. I have my personal take actually but i wish to get input from them to be fair. I certainly received a lot of picks and, though i may disagree on some, there are inputs that actually changed my personal take.
First let me define Overrate (general term), courtesy of Webster's Learner Dictionary:
/ˈoʊvɚˌreɪt/ verb
over·rates; over·rat·ed; over·rat·ing
[+ obj] : to rate, value, or praise (someone or something) too highly
▪ The coach tends to overrate the players on his own team.
— overrated adjective [more overrated; most overrated]
▪ (disapproving) That movie was disappointing and highly/very overrated.
Applying that to the context of Toy/Action Figure Collecting: Overrated figures are those figures who get more attention or praise than what they actually deserve and/or figures that everyone's looking for/and will pay insane amount of money to acquire even though, in reality, they are simply not that good (discounting all the PAKs that are generally panned by fans). Most of the time these figures are way too overpriced though i want to point out that being overpriced isn't exactly a sign of being overrated. Also, it is also different from being just a terrible figure(like Superman) or those with lots of QC issues. I'm afraid some missed the meaning of my query...
Soooooo...with that out of the way, let's get started. (In NO particular order...)