Wow, the Play Arts Kai Star Wars Variants are really becoming very interesting. We just had Lord Vader a couple of articles down, that Bounty Hunter and, of course, this fearsome Dathomiri Zabrak warrior...or was it Dathomirian?...ehhh, whatever. Just careful not to attract the ire of die-hard Star Wars fan, they can be very finicky if you know what i'm saying and by the Force! they are everywhere.
That proves very well indeed for the Star Wars Variants, i heard they are steadily increasing in price and demand these days. Well, at least for the SW and Pop Culture poster-boy Darth Vader, still i'm quite confident that Maul would follow suit. Also...ehhh...what is a Dathomirian Zabrak? They are a race in the Galaxy, the result of a hybridization between humans and Zabraks. And yeah, it does sound like Zebra, i dunno if that is connected but the first time i saw Maul in Episode 1: The Phantom Menace he looks like a zebra to me for some weird reason. Just thought i mention it. Anyway...
Before anything else, thank you Clandestine toys and The Convergence Group for the Play Arts Kai Darth Maul figure. We're opening some more POs for upcoming PAK figures very, very soon so stay tuned.