
Thursday, July 05, 2012

Play Arts Kai Lara Croft of Tomb Raider colored prototype spotted

Zelu1984 of Final Fantasy Merchandise brought us the first colored prototype shot of the upcoming Play Arts Kai Lara Croft figure. Personally, i hope they'll do better than that when it comes to her face though i'm good with it as long as Square-Enix won't pull another Play Arts Kai Sheva Alomar face paint apps on us. Perhaps we're just expecting more since, as Touya of FFM pointed out "The wait began (for Lara) the moment SQEX bought Eidos," well said bro, we all know it's only a matter of time.
Photo courtesy of Zelu1984 of Final Fantasy Merchandise

Her arsenal include a bow and arrow, handgun, shotgun, an ice axe, a bandaged left hand, a pair of pointing hands and a pair of grip hands.The accessories looks pretty sweet and if what we've heard is true, that she's going to be in the same scale as Play Arts Kai Nathan Drake from Uncharted 3, then she's definitely on the hit list (though i will still secretly wish that she'd be in the MGS scale). Drake and fanboys (and girls) alike are gonna be giddy with anticipation for Lara's arrival.

Release date should be around 2013 (if the world makes it through 2012 that is! LOL!)

Thanks again to Zelu1984 of Final Fantasy Merchandise for this awesome update.

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