
Thursday, September 20, 2012

Play Arts Kai Kazuya and Play Arts Kai Jun Kazama colored protos revealed!

Just saw these pics yesterday from the Play Arts Kai Tekken Tag Tournament 2 line and i'm so d@mned excited! By the way, these were taken at TGS 2012. Kazuya looks great though his body sculpt and detailing reminds me of Play Arts Kai SSF4 Ryu and Akuma. Seems like the King of the Iron Fist Tournament participants will be in the same scale as those. The real surprise though is the very impressive face-sculpt of Jun Kazama. Those who are already playing the game will agree with me that she's dead-on with the in-game character design. Can't wait for these babies to show up soon.
Thanks to Touya of FinalFantasyMerchandise for sharing the pics and MarshallAlloc, the source.

 More pics after the jump

 Again, many thanks to Touya of FinalFantasyMerchandise and MarshallAlloc

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