
Monday, January 16, 2012

Play Arts Kai Scale Guide v 1.0

Inconsistent scale is one of the main issues with Play Arts Kai figures and perhaps most of us collectors (and interested non- or would be- collectors) usually have questions about which figures are in the same scale (height, bodybuild, head-size?, ahem, etc.). I decided to create this post to help others decide, knowing that there is a considerable number of collectors out there that are very particular with figure scale. For display purposes perhaps? Please feel free to refer to this guide for scale inquiries.

LEFT to RIGHT: Ezio - Assassin's Creed 2, Dante - DMC4, Sneaking Suit Snake - MGS: PW, Chris - RE5, Gabranth - DFF, Adam - Deus Ex: HR, Bayonetta, Ryu - SSF4, Cloud - DFF

 Play Arts Kai Dissidia Final Fantasy and Super Street Fighter 4 figures are in the same scale. L to R: Gabranth, Ryu, Chun Li, Squall and Cloud.

 Play Arts Kai Metal Gear Solid: Peacewalker line. L to R: Kazuhira Miller, Battle Dress Snake, Jungle Camo Snake and Sneaking Suit Snake.

 HALO's Emile and SSF4 Ryu: HALO figures (Reach and Evolve) are in the same scale as the SSF4 figures

* notes: (there are some figures i didn't include since i prefer to compare the scale between different series with the exception of Gabranth who is quite tall for a Dissidia Final Fantasy figure) 

1. As far as the Capcom figs go (SF4, RE5 and DMC4), they seem to be in scale w/ each other upon first glance. In reality, Chris and Dante should be over 6 ft tall (maybe 6' 2"). Ryu is 5'9" or 5'10". chun-li is 5'7" i believe, and sheva is 5'6" i think. Not sure about nero's height though. (from orochicoops of ptk)
2. MGS Peacewalker Battle Dress Snake is nearly as tall as Ezio, he's the tallest in his line
3. FF13-2 Lightning is in the scale of the older Play Arts figures (i.e. FFVIII, FFVII, Advent Children, etc.)
4. The First Wave of FF13 figures (Lightning, Snow, Vanille) are in scale with the Peacewalker figures but the later Waves (Sazh, Hope, etc.) are smaller.


  1. ^^Glad you liked it, i think this is the only scale guide for Play Arts Kai so far. When the new figs make their appearance i hope to upgrade this to version 2.0

  2. the is very helpful! thanks for doing this bro!

  3. What about Batman figures, what series are they in proportion with?

    1. they are on a scale of their own bro, check out my AA Batman review. he's smaller than Ryu but bigger and bulkier than Nathan Drake or the older Play Arts figures.

  4. Hello, really nice the post. Do you know where I can find accessories (speccially weapons) for the MGS figures? Thanks!

    1. you can try generic 1/6 items bro. Shops specializing in Hot Toys, Sideshow, etc.

  5. Hello, I was just wondering if the legs of Solid Snake could fit into Big Boss Sneaking Suit figure? I'm planning to buy a Big Boss and customize it to be in par with Snake's height.

    1. not really an expert on customizing but judging from the looks alone the legs of Solid is a bit too big (and fat) for the torso of Sneaking Suit Snake.

  6. I don't suppose anyone knows if the Mass Effect figures are to scale with the RE5 figures? I'm looking to customize my FemShep, and Sheva's head would be perfect, but I'm worried she's going to be randomly huge.
