Play Arts Kai Solid Snake - FINALLY, after a very stressful couple of weeks i finally got him. A 100% authentic one if i must say. I'd like to mention this also: 44 posts even before the actual review?! WOW! guys, thanks for the patronage. Ahem...Here's Snake by the way:
The real me is no match for the legend. |
Well i guess this guy needs no introduction anymore, you won't be here reading my review if you are not familiar with the legendary Solid Snake in the first place. If i am not mistaken the only other action figures of Solid are created years ago by McFarlane and Medicom so the Play Arts Kai version is understandably highly anticipated. Anyway, Solid Snake is my favorite video game character of all time. Thought i just mention it...
Looks like i'll miss my nicotine fix |
Packaging is very similar to Grey Fox, down to the shade of the box and the 25th sticker. Solid Snake's arsenal though could have been larger: SOCOM with suppressor (made of a very soft material / comes naturally bent from the packaging), FAMAS Rifle, alternate hands and the ever present instruction sheet. They should have included other accessories such as the Night Vision Goggles, Stinger or at least a pack of cigarettes. You may want to try arming him with 1/6 scale weapons. I believe they are compatible with Snake.
A strong man doesn't need to read the future, he makes his own. |
Snake's face sculpt is faithful to the game, however, since the basis is not a CG model, the designers filled in some of the details such as his skin tone, shades on the contour of his face (fleshy pink/brown color around his eyes and cheeks), eyes (ashen light blue with a glossy finish similar to the teary eyed Battle Dress Snake) and lip color (light brown/pinkish), etc.
Details of his body armor are superb, very similar to the Big Boss Peacewalker figures: holster, ammo pouches, belt pack, etc. The armor finishing is semi-glossy. Snake's rifle even got a sling, a first for a Play Arts Kai weapon IIRC. His famous Bandanna (infinite ammo anyone?) is articulated as well and the tail is removable. Take note of that if you're going to read my next post.
It's easy to forget what a sin is in the middle of a battlefield. |
Solid Snake: There are no heroes in war. The only heroes I know are either dead or in prison. One or the other.
Meryl Silverburgh: But Snake, you're a hero, aren't you?
Solid Snake: I'm just a man who's good at what he does: Killing. |
Unfortunately, killing is just one of those things that gets easier the more you do it. |
Articulation is very similar to the Sneaking Suit version of his dad (Naked Snake/Big Boss) including the arms and feet. They did not put hinges in his arms similar to Grey Fox, SSF4 and Dissidia figures though i, honestly, prefer it that way since his arms won't be too fragile to move. Balance is still an issue however though his is definitely better than Grey Fox's. He's not that top heavy as Fox but he still failed the kick test miserably.
More importantly, Solid Snake's scale is consistent with the Metal Gear figures. He looks to me a bit smaller than the Cyborg Grey Fox and about as tall as Kazuhira Miller from the Peacewalker line. He's significantly taller than his father: Big Boss, though that depends on which Big Boss figure you'll compare him with. Check out the scale below for reference.
The Metal Gear franchise has been around for 25 years and still going strong. Chances are you are a big fan of the series as i am so I suggest you get the Play Arts Kai Solid Snake figure. He's a solid (pun unintended) acquisition at 60-70 $bucks$. He's the best Solid figure so far and he's bound to get some back-up sooner or later (Meryl, Raiden, etc) and adversaries thrown in the mix (Solidus). Now if only i can do something to tell Square-Enix to give us Liquid Snake, that is going to be one heck of a family reunion.
I'd like to take this opportunity to warn you though that
"alleged bootlegs" of this figure is already out in the market. I'll be discussing more of that on my next post. For now, it's play time as Grey Fox and Solid Snake dish it out against each other one last time:
yeah a lot of issues on my solid snake he is having problems standing you need to get the exact point of balance LOL
ReplyDeleteaside from that have you noticed problems with the paint apps on his face? I've seen one with a paler flesh color while the one i currently have got a lot of dirty grey smudge on his cheeks, neck and ears.
ReplyDeleteYea I had and issue as well with one of my copys. His earth was f-ed up
Deletesir does your solid snake have a serial code engraved at the bottom of the box? because mine doesn't have one, and the paint apps in the face is also lots of dark dirty kind of effect.
ReplyDeleteMine has one, I really forgot all about it. I just check.mine
Deleteno, it doesn't have the code underneath the box and that's one of the issues we're discussing right now. By we, i'm referring to my fellow Play Arts Kai collector @ PTK. As far as we know, Snake should have that serial number. Whenever that is missing the figure is suspected as a bootleg. We still don't have concrete facts though just observations using online pics. One of our fellow collector though who is currently in Hong Kong right now stated that his Solid figure have a serial number and using his posted pics, the paint applications on the face of his Snake is very different from the ones we got (dark paint, messy grey apps around the mouth, neck, cheeks and lips).
ReplyDeleteGuys, just a little reminder, please don't mention here where you got your figures. I deleted 3 posts mentioning the source of their figures. We do not want to malign anyone here and always give them (especially the sellers with excellent track records) the benefit of the doubt. I know that they never meant any of these to happen and it may very well be that they are victims also of their distributors who are unaware of what's happening right now.
ReplyDeleteyeah ..they could also be a victim too by their distributors. its just that if ever we have proven our figures as bootlegs, i just hope that the shops where we bought our figures will listen to reason and allow us to refund or at least an exchange of item. the worst that could happen is, if the shops wouldn't believe us and think we are lying if we said that their figure are bootlegs, specially if they believe that their distributors are reputable.
ReplyDelete^^i'm sure everything will be cleared soon enough bro. Cooler heads will prevail in the end, that is my hope.
ReplyDeletehey jeri does your gray fox figure box have that serial number at the buttom? or does it look similar to the solid snake box?
ReplyDeletemy grey fox got a serial number on the bottom flap of the box, their boxes should be similar as far as i know. i'll post findings once i'm done with the issue on hand.
DeleteMr. Reyes i have seen one of your reviews on metal gear peace walker battle dress version and you have stated that the box does not come with the serial number, bad paint applications etc. and have identified and confirmed that the product is a "bootleg" so more likely the solid snake figure that we have right now having similar issues (overdone face paint, unable to stand properly, no serial number etc) are bootlegs? if that will be the case do you think the stores that we got this from will do something about this? i will be waiting for your official statement and review, i hope it turns out good, i love this figure LOL
ReplyDelete^^ We don't know yet if those are bootleg or just suffering from poor Quality Control, there are also debates whether the serial numbers are required or if they really indicate the authenticity of a figure. I tried getting in touch with Square-Enix before regarding the numbers but their auto-responder fail to understand the query. I hope someone can help me clarify that, perhaps a person who got ties with S-E. For now that is just a mere recorded "difference" between Play Arts Kai boxes that is based from observation.
ReplyDeleteI cannot answer for the stores since that will still be the subject of intense investigation and unless we get an official statement from S-E themselves confirming the existence of bootleg figures then that issue is still debatable.
please post your findings asap i was going to collect msp play arts untill all these rumours of bad paint apps and bootleg figures showed your best to find out.thanks
ReplyDelete^^i will bro, though i suggest you still continue with your collection but get the items from a reputable seller. as much as possible do a background check if you're buying from ebay.
ReplyDeleteHope to hear from you soon regarding this matter. The dark lips reminds me of the bootleg sephiroth i saw way, way back. I've also read somewhere that there's a bootleg of Gray Fox. Man, these bootleggers needs to stop. They even priced it like it's the original.
ReplyDeleteCheck out Jova's comment here regarding Fox.
i hope my solid snake is not a bootleg i paid full price for this thing damn!! we are waiting for your findings
ReplyDeleteanyone here knows where i can buy play arts kai cyborg ninja?i can't seem to find it in stock at my local toystore, i got the solid snake with a weird face its to dark bad paint job and the knee joints are not that stable everything looks good though so i can't tell if a got a bootleg im just bothered about his face and the knee joints but he stands up
ReplyDeletei think Greattoys Online still got some Cyborg Ninja in stock right now. i got mine from them and it's 100% authentic.
ReplyDeleteAs for the findings, i hope i can post it by the end of the week.
I was looking for a review for the PlayArts Solid Snake when I came across this blog. Despite reading the issues reported, I decided to bite the bullet as I'm a fan of the character.
ReplyDeleteSo I went to a local import store (I'm from Singapore) and I purchased him off the shelf. However, I made sure there was a serial number imprinted at the bottom of the box.
Here are my impressions of Snake:
1. He has gray shades around his face.
2. He's able to stand easily well if just posed straight. I noted that his thigh joints us abit loose.
Overall, I'm satisfied with long as he can stand without falling over, I'm satisfied.
according to AnonymousMar 27, 2012 02:19 AM's link at flickr,
ReplyDelete"In Hong Kong, there are many fake ninja figure with box, the face's logo type print is "TCKUGAWA", this is wrong spelling, "TOKUGAWA" is the real one. If you get your figure, please check it carefully.. because this figure is pretty expansive...XD"
can someone clarify this? My grayfox's has the same problem as that and I got it where you sir Jeri got yours.
@Anonymous#1 - do you have pics bro? I'd love to see that. Anyway, as long as there is a serial number beneath the box i feel safe with the figure. Also, the loose thigh joints is typical Play Arts, if you have an Ezio Auditore figure you'll notice that he's also prone to that straight out of the box. Snake's balance is better than Ninja by the way.
ReplyDelete@Anonymous#2 - check out my review here of Grey Fox: , i have a close up shot i think on the 5th pic from the start. Mine's got TOKUGAWA on his head, anyway, does it have a serial number?
Got mine today. Mine had the serial number under the box. Some paint smear detect over the lower limbs as well
ReplyDeletei think the paint inconsistencies is a common occurrence in all Play Arts Kai figures so i don't think that yours is a "bootleg" bro. Even my Ninja who is 100% authentic got those sloppy paint finishes.
DeleteI just return mine yesterday coz the right arm came off and could not stay fixed. Each time i try to pose it, it just falls off. They got some QC issues for sure. Hopefully i can can get it exchange.
DeleteReyes, sorry dude. I left him in my office. Here's the kicker also. I'm using an iPhone and I have no idea how to post a pix using it on your blog.
ReplyDeleteIf it comforts you, I went to another store and they had Snake with a serial no. on the box. He too had gray shadings of sorts in his face. So I can only conclude that having a serial no. is an assurance of sorts.
I'd love to see that Snake in person bro, kindly point me where you saw him. Anyway, according to a source of mine the "zombie" snakes are also present in the US so my speculation is that these are figures who fail to pass through a thorough quality control check.
Deletehey jeri i have found some pictures of solid snake from a website forum here is the link:
The Solid Snake figure standing beside gray fox bandana is directed to the right side whereas if you see the Solid Snake figure and Master Miller on a CQC hold the bandana is directed to the left side and other pictures below shows it, i don't seem to have the articulation of the bandana on my Snake figure i tried moving it but it does not budge and i do not want to force it either, i do not know if it is just my figure or other figures are having this articulation issue. I hope this will help your investigation.
also found a link for solid snake figure review here is the link:
Hello there!
ReplyDeleteIve been folloing yous blog for a long time, Im a super-metal Gear fan form Chile and I checked this site in order to buy my Kaz Miller figure. Is really hard to fin PAK figures here, they are too expensive!
So back on the topic: is THIS how it looks like the "bootleged" Snake?
Hello Cesar,
DeleteI am very honored to see that my blog is reaching out to other countries as well. I am also glad to meet a fellow MGS fanatic. Anyway, about the topic, i wouldn't call them bootlegs yet since we don;t even know if those figures exist. I have strong reasons to believe that the 1st batch of Snake figures is really flawed since i've heard reports that they are also present in the US during the first shipment of figures. But to answer your question, yes, that is one of the alleged "bootleg" Snake.
I've found a picture of cyborg ninja bootleg
ReplyDeleteOne of my solid snake's sideburn isn't even painted and his legs are very loose!
ReplyDeletethat's odd, of course, basing my observations on older Peacewalker figures, the paint job on the hair should be complete. Also, the loose legs are, unfortunately, a staple in Play Arts Kai figures. My Ezio Auditore figure got those. Being a Transformer collector before i suggest you do the same procedure we use to tighten loose joints - clear nail polish.
DeleteJust happened to check this blog today. My Solid Snake box doesn't have the serial number as well unlike Gray Fox, Batman, Ezio etc. With regards to the figure tipping over, the reason (for my figure) is that the right ball joint (the one near the ankles) was attached incorrectly (is there a way to fix that? I want to pull it but I'm wary that it might break). Instead of it swiveling forwards and backwards, it moves side to side. I dunno if this is the same with other Snakes who have the "standing problem." The bootleg issue is really a concern however, there is a big chance that our figures (even without the serial numbers) may be original since if I'm not mistaken, the Snake figures were released on 3/14 (Japan), and I got mine on 3/17 (from GH). I think it's not possible for the figures to be copied on such a short period of time.
ReplyDeleteHi bro, i think it is designed that way so you can angle the feet while posing. My DMC4 Dante PA Kai fig got those as well. I think the standing problem is really common with the new figures since my Grey Fox got that also. Like i mentioned, they are top heavy with small narrow feet.
DeleteAs for your other statement, yes, i won't call them bootlegs taking in mind the release period although it is also possible that the mold was leaked out earlier during production. My belief however is that the ones currently at large on the local market are those with QC issues since the one i first got is totally flawless except for the grey paint job on his face and the sub-par packaging.
I see your point. I'm still hoping though that the figures we have are not bootlegs or substandard.
DeleteCool blog, by the way. Keep it up dude!!!
I have came to the conclusion that these snakes must be fakes as when comparing the boxes of gray fox and snake. The gray fox box is of much better quality then the snake one and a perfect example of this is the 25th aniv sticker in the front, the snake one looked more like a cheap sticker and the gray fox one looked like the it was ink printed on top of a a sticker and has a better feel. Just my opinion
ReplyDeleteIs there an official word from the local store involved aside from their posts in PTK? I just want to make sure that the Cyborg Ninja I got from them is the real deal since they don't accept returns and refunds. :(
ReplyDeleteGood day, bro. I was able to buy a Solid Snake with a serial number on the box yesterday and I found a few inconsistencies with the box without the serial number. The box of the "original" (with serial number) is whiter (the bootleg box is kinda off white). Also the Metal Gear Solid logo on the lower left hand corner of the box is a shade lighter (like red orange in color for the original). Furthermore, the warning logo (upper left hand side) is not as black on the original. The Solid Snake written is also more defined/heavier. With regards to the figure, the one I bought yesterday has no "standing" issues. The ball joint on the right ankle was attached correctly (it swivels forwards and backwards, not side to side). The face paint was perfect and there were no grayish spots on 'em. Hope this helps.
ReplyDeleteKarlo does your solid snake have any articulation on the bandana? mine does not have one i saw some pictures online that the bandana has articulation,the box i have the warning sign is not black it looks like dark gray on the upper left hand corner but the issues im having are the bad paint application on his face some dark shadows on his cheeks the left knee joint is kinda loose and i need to position him properly to get a pose but the rest of the figure are perfect and does not look like bootleg to me, by the way i also don't have the serial number at the buttom
DeleteYup, you can move the dangling pieces of the bandana behind Snake's back but it goes back to it's original position afterwards (hanging behind his back). The first figure I got is very similar to the serial numbered one, save for the messy paint apps (there is a scar-like line on the right cheek, smudges on the lip area, etc), and ball joint issue.
DeleteI still hope that our initial figures are not bootlegs and just figures that have bad qc. Bummer if it is since we paid full price for them here in the country which is pretty steep for Square Enix figues.
Where can i buy cyborg ninja i can't seem to find one i checked greattoys and they don't have him in stock can anyone help me because im really disappointed about the rumors on bootleg solid snake i dont have the serial number at the buttom and the face has a bad paintjob
ReplyDeleteI'm yet to get mu 100% authentic Snake figure guys, please bear with me. I'll record everything here in due time/
ReplyDeleteFINALLY! got my new Snake figure and i have noted certain differences from the one i used to own. I hope i can post the review tomorrow together with another article noting the differences.
ReplyDeleteGreat!Been waiting for you to post your findings for a looong time.Been coming here everyday for updates.:)
DeleteYeah me too, big news indeed!
Delete^^thanks for the support guys, big surprise for you two.
ReplyDeletei have just check greattoysonline and any other shops in greenhills today but unfortunately,100% authentic solid snake is out of stock. pls. someone tell me where i can get a 100% authentic solid snake ( you know, the one with the serial code in the bottom of the box, perfect face paint etc.etc....) locally. thnxs in advance. oh! by the way, great review sir jeri!!
ReplyDelete^^your best bet would be online shops bro, Square-Enix official web store or Amiami. How about PToys GH? i think i saw a Snake there, they still have one in their ebay account also.
ReplyDeleteWow!I think the major difference I saw with your figure and the others I've seen on Youtube reviews is the 'pink'ness of the face.Definitely makes it easy to spot the bad ones.I'll hold off on this figure for a couple of months till BBTS gets it.
ReplyDeleteYup, the alleged bootleg ones have dark face paint around the eyes especially. I've also seen those reviews and i wonder if their boxes have serial numbers.
DeleteHi Reyes, I'm the dude from Singapore. Yup, your Solid Snake looks exactly like the one I have and the ones I saw at another store. It's nit gray shades but the pinkness of the skin tine. My bad as thus is the first time I'm trying to describe a toy! LOL!
ReplyDeleteBy the way, good review! And this Snake really is a must have! :)
Hi bro, good to hear that. So i guess we're sure that ours are authentic. I hope i can help others avoid the mistake i made the first time i bought Snake. Thanks for dropping by.
Deletehaha finally solid snakes review now i know mine is not authentic i do not have that articulation on the bandana, and the face is really different i do not know how to get rid of my solid snake action figure i want to get a new one i really am disappointed that the store i got this from sold me that bootleg can it still be returned? good review by the way
ReplyDeletePersonally i wouldn't mind getting an alleged bootleg one again just so i can create a Snake Eyes custom out of it. What sucks is if you pay full price for an alleged bootleg one. I suggest you try talking to the shop directly bro.
Deletejerry i noticed you have 2 boxes of solid snake figures i believe the other one is the bootleg? i really want to buy another snake but it is really expensive i was saving the money for another play arts figure damn i don't know what to do i don't know if the store i got this from will be kind enough to replace it(more than 2 weeks old)
ReplyDelete^^2 boxes? i only have one bro, the other one is the Grey Fox box. I admit though that the first Snake i got was an alleged bootleg but i no longer have it.
Deleteare you having problems with his knee joints? loose joints my bootleg has loose knee joints
ReplyDeleteThe knee joints on mine are excellent bro as well as the balance.
DeleteWarning, the wirst joints are soooo fragile (broke up while changing hands for the first time) !
ReplyDeleteI was forced to replace the original articulation by a medium "revoltech" joint and it works just fine !
A badass figure but they could have improve quality even more (the socom, the empty spaces on the top sides of the legs etc...)
But it worth its price !
^^happened to my figure's right hand as well but luckily it didn't break, just got detached and i was able to reconnect it to it's joint connector. better hold on to the ball joint's connector when pulling off the hand.
ReplyDeleteDid you update the pictures here or not? The pix above are the perceived orig or the alleged fake? How about side by side pix of the orig and fake? Thanks!
ReplyDeletethe figure i reviewed is a 100% authentic Snake which came directly from Square-Enix. i lost the pix of the alleged bootleg Snake i had before but i'll try to find pix of those from fellow collectors who, unfortunately, got those also.
Deletehi jeri I live in the philippines i was wondering where to buy these authentic solid snake play arts kai thanks
ReplyDeletei suggest you wait for the next shipment of Play Arts Kai Solid Snake figures via Greattoys Online bro.
DeleteHey Jeri will you be doing a review on Nathan Drake Play arts?
ReplyDelete^^ I will bro once i get him, honestly i'm not very happy with Nathan Drake's scale that's why i'm not really prioritizing him right now. The price is too much for a non-10 incher IMHO.
ReplyDeletei know i bought the orig snake. does your orig snake look cross-eyed? his left eye on mine is looking towards his nose. does he look cross-eyed on yours?
ReplyDelete^^cross eyes are common in play arts figure, the old FFX Tidus fig also suffer from that. anyway, mine's ok though.
ReplyDeleteBro i am planning to buy solid snake figure direct to the animecorp sotre in my country, can you give me tips for how to distinguish the orignal figure to the bootleg?
ReplyDeleteHi bro, thanks for dropping by, you can read it here:
DeleteHey Jerry i just got my replacement Solid Snake from the store waited almost 4 months to get him its a good thing that store owner is aware of the bootleg figures and replaced my item with no questions.
ReplyDeleteAlso i thank you for the website it helped me a lot checking if my snake was authentic, now i have the serial number at the bottom of the box, bandanna articulation, joints are stiff i have not yet tried doing some pose with this guy his face has a lighter shade now but not light as your snake but lighter shade compared to what i have before you think this is an issue?
i'm glad to be of help to you bro, regarding your snake, as long as the bandanna is articulated i think your safe bro. All the questionable snake figures are missing the bandanna articulation. the face shade may differ, especially when subjected to camera flash. as long as it doesn't have the wayward dark paint in the face it's authentic.
DeleteHey Jeri how do you straighten a bent suppressor my solid snakes suppressor is bent any ideas?
ReplyDelete^^hi bro, here's what i did with my suppressor: i removed it from the gun, placed the gun on the holster then inserted the suppressor half-way through the hole beneath the holster before storing. when i took it out later it's back to normal.
DeleteHi bro, how are you? i need help with this
ReplyDeletei just got a solid snake and its really good, i though it was a bootleg, but:
It has a serial number, the box is in perfect state and also, has everything you said the original no as, the weapons looks like yours and the bandana has articulation do you think it's a bootleg? (also it came with the little booklet for how to use the weapons) but the shades in the face are a little more dark and eyes have no glossy finish.
(sorry for the bad english, but i hope you can help me)
Hi, can you send pics to me? please give me your email address so we can discuss this. thanks.
DeleteSure dude:
I will be online sometime soon, like in one hour, also,i will take the pics.
Thanks, i'll email you. you can send the pics on the email i will use.