
Tuesday, December 02, 2014

Diablo - Diablo 3 NECA Showcase

So what if this figure's been out for months already and is sold out in most stores locally? I can't imagine myself skipping a review...errr...a late review...i mean, uh, a showcase of this updated incarnation of the Lord of the Burning Hells. The Lord...or Lady of Terror - Diablo. Prepare yourself for a fanboy's showcase article...

First up, the obligatory background storytelling, yada, yada...I am a self-confessed Diablo addict back in the day, I was there during the Dungeon Crawl long before Prince Aidan was Prince Aidan, back when The Butcher is a scary son of a bit!# - Fresh Meat anyone? 

I was also present during the epic walk across Sanctuary to hunt down the Dark Wanderer (who turned out to be Prince Aidan) - from the Rogue Encampment, to the sewers of Lut Gholein, the murky swamplands of Kurast to the Pandemonium Fortress and up, up, up Mt. Arreat for a final confrontation at Worldstone Keep with the Lord of Destruction. It is only fitting I join in for the third (and 3.5th) time against the heir of, you guess it, Prince Aidan aaaaannnndddd during the expansion versus a renegade angel who is just so cool wielding those awesome hand is an atrocity for me to miss this one out comrades...
If i spoiled the game for you, you deserve it, slow poke...
I think this is the first NECA review/showcase i'll do. Admittedly, i'm not really a fan of the line though i did own a few pieces before but this is Diablo we're talking about here, even if she (Yes! that is Leah, daughter of Aidan and Adria the Witch in case you still don't know) doesn't come with anything but a detachable tail i'll still gonna get her...and, oh yeah, she's only packaged with a detachable tail...
Verily, this tail and it's a looooong one
I have to admit though, this figure's very, very fragile so i would delegate her as a strictly "for display only" piece. It's just one thing with NECA's PVC, they are always more brittle than the ones being used for PAKs for some reason. The pointy, Kerrigan-like, bony protrusions mounted on her frame (hehe, mounted...) are extremely fragile and i'd suggest you be careful when moving her T-Rex arms. That sucks for a limited articulation figure, well, i did say she's a display piece...
By the way, her mouth opens and closes, if only she's got a battery operated voice box for nifty phrases such as "All that you've ever known, all that you've ever loved, shall die with you, Nephalem!," man would that be cool...i'm asking too much though...

Details however are still superb for a smaller scale figure. The colors, albeit duller, match well with the video game version.
PLAY IT!!! YOU F#!KING PLAY...oh, pardon me for that overused line...
Oh, she comes with a stand also, a small, black, generic, circular thingie that is so boring...what the hell NECA? You could have at least provided a fiery stand or a replica of the floor from the final boss fight. It's not much of a help either since you can use her tail for counter-balance when displaying her. 
Gone are the days of the bestial, dog-like Diablo form (seriously, he used to run around on all-fours like some mutated dog). This Diablo, well, she's got a Lady host now, celebrates the feminine form in all it's glory... NO! not the 4 arms you idiot, unless you got a creepy fixation with MK's Goro...or Kintaro...weirdo...
She's got curves, she's rocking a sexy waistline and of course... Bewbs...
Should you get her? if you claim you're a Diablo fan then you HAVE to get her, and that's coming from a freaking Diablo fan-boy. If not then you are a poser, Poser! LOL. Seriously, she's a pretty good break from HTs and PAKs if you ask me and she's a decently price 8-9 incher. Good luck finding one though that is not overpriced. Oh, excuse me, i think she's calling me to make some blood sacrifice...
RRRIIIIINNNNNNG! Hello NECA! If Mephisto and Baal are too much for you to tackle, at least, please make a Malthael figure, please, please, please...

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